A Season of Rest
Sheri Miter Sheri Miter

A Season of Rest

AND I know God is calling me to create a slower-paced summer schedule.  To put aside MY goals and focus on HIS plan… which is very hard for me to do! 

I feel Him whisper - write, and rest… 

But yet, If I’m being super honest, I've been resisting his call! 

I want to set and achieve big goals again… but every time I try, God holds me back and whispers… Rest and Write… 

It doesn’t make sense to me… Shouldn’t I work harder to build a business that has been waiting for me to sail down the coast and get settled?  Isn’t now the time to work? 

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A Mind-blowing Story of Manifesting Your Dream Life!
Sheri Miter Sheri Miter

A Mind-blowing Story of Manifesting Your Dream Life!

Manifesting what you want in life!

It’s woo-woo, out there and a little hard to understand. In 2006, we all learned about manifesting and the Law of Attraction from The Secret—remember watching that? Thousands of gurus are talking about it on YouTube and social media today!

I don’t understand it, but I also don’t understand electricity, how a cell phone can let me talk to my dad 1000 miles away in real-time, or how TV pixels travel through space—I just trust that when I flip a switch, answer my phone, or turn on the TV, they will work!

It’s the same with visioneering and manifesting what you want—you don’t have to understand it to appreciate and trust that it works!

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Is it the end or just the beginning?  
Sheri Miter Sheri Miter

Is it the end or just the beginning?  

After 10 months, 20+ ports and anchorages, 7 states, and 100’s of Nautical miles, on our sailboat Libra, we are saying goodbye to her this week. Is it the end or just the beginning?

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Lessons Learned About Overcoming Fear
Sheri Miter Sheri Miter

Lessons Learned About Overcoming Fear

As I reflect back on our 2-day excursion, I can’t help but see the parallels between this boating adventure and anytime anyone wants to do something they’ve never done before. Whether it be finding your calling, creating a new business, or running a marathon, these three biggest lessons learned might help you get there with more ease & joy!

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We Bought a Boat!
Sheri Miter Sheri Miter

We Bought a Boat!

We just bought a boat! What did we do to prepare for this dream in the making? I’ll share the steps we took to get here, steps you can take to fulfill your wildest craziest dreams too!

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Will You be Ready When Opportunity Knocks?
Sheri Miter Sheri Miter

Will You be Ready When Opportunity Knocks?

Do you wish you knew all the steps you need to take to find your calling? Have you been looking for a clear path ahead? Unfortunately, that clarity may not come, but don’t fear… there are things you can do to be prepared for the opportunities coming your way!

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You, Work & Rest -all you need in 2023!
Sheri Miter Sheri Miter

You, Work & Rest -all you need in 2023!

What does God want for you in 2023? I believe it’s to use your talents & gifts, work, and rest! All the things that come from finding, knowing, and working in your calling! These aha’s aren’t exactly new thoughts, just reminders for all of us!

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Four Business Ideas to Help You Flourish in Retirement!
Sheri Miter Sheri Miter

Four Business Ideas to Help You Flourish in Retirement!

You have the date! After 20+ years, you set the retirement date! Do you wonder what’s next?

You know you have untapped potential, gifts, talents, and experience to share with the world. Starting your own business is intriguing (and, well, a little daunting and scary), but you know it’s the only way you’ll be able to truly have the fulfillment, joy, and freedom you desire in your retirement years!

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10 Steps to Prevent Burnout
Sheri Miter Sheri Miter

10 Steps to Prevent Burnout

In a blog last week I wrote about the 4 Warning Signs You Are Headed to Burnout!  Signs I hope you will heed if you recognize them. 

More importantly, what can you do TODAY to prevent yourself from even getting to that point?  We can’t take away all of the stressors in our lives.  You may still be left lying awake at night wondering “should I switch my career right now?”, “If I did leave this career, what would I even do?” or  “ what is life going to be like now that my youngest has left for college?”.  

  Those questions may still be there swirling around in your brain at night (ok, maybe even all day long) but if you manage your well-being you will avoid burnout, despite life’s stressors.   I’m sharing my 10 Steps to Prevent Burnout with you today. You may be doing some already, but hopefully, you will soon be doing all 10 at least MOST of the time ;)

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4 Warning Signs You Are Headed to Burnout!
Sheri Miter Sheri Miter

4 Warning Signs You Are Headed to Burnout!

According to The Annual Women in the Workplace report from McKinsey & Co. 42% of women and 35% of men reported feeling burned out often or almost always in 2021, compared to 32% of women and 28% of men last year.

As a professional woman or leader with big goals, which I know you have… you may find yourself in a place of struggle as we are coming out of 2 of the most challenging years for most of us and heading into the final quarter of 2022.

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